
perfect blush
across her body,
at first glance
rubble, her surroundings.
she claims her fate,
flourished in yesterday’s lush
and settled where she lay.
map of her journey
located only
on delicate fair skin,
in hot pink scars,
and yet, somehow,
you find her

22 thoughts on “Ms.

  1. Very well done Audacious ~ a poem of strength and beauty, and the line “flourished in yesterday’s lush and settled where she lay.” is how one should live a life 🙂 And then the photograph paralleling your final lines, simply beautiful.


    • You’re very sweet in your support of my poetry, my Photographer Philosopher Extraordinaire. There is strength to be found in her. It’s wonderful to feel it and allow the emotion to inspire me. Thank you for your praise. Humbled. Thank you for finding the Audacious in me, Mr. Collis. You have always made me blush. Enjoy your evening. ♡


  2. She looks much like my poor plants as Fall nears. They’re sort of bedraggled, yet still clinging to life. None the worse for the wear, you know, kind of like us humans!


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