Port For Dreams

A poet, who dreamed of safety,
A place for all. Welcomed,
if it were only this easy

We question with intensity
What brings you here?
A murmur felt throughout society

These too shall pass through
A cry out to the masses
Stepping over her, him, me, you

Who stays, who goes,  somebody move
Leadership I lacking, pitiful
Eventually, we all lose

A portal, a melting pot for dreams
Less different, more in common
Weakening amongst transition,  it seems

Poet to poet we ache similarly
Left to decide, no one left behind
And yet, now,  is America suffering?

– Learning –  

a collection of photos and poems


at first, the logistics were tricky,

a desire for distance was universal, 

a commonality existed, 

so they leaned into progression.

structure set by those well informed, and steadfast,

support deemed imperative,

while overwhelmingly consistent,

whispers of beauty were allowed.

a common goal set, the trajectory – forever,

for some.

– Learning –  

a collection of photos and poems.


While on my own, I rediscovered

pieces of who I am.

My heart leapt,

my soul weakened in reverence,

towards a pursuit, I’d maybe forgotten,

or possibly, extinguished

even discarded because I was different.

Small moments,


I proved to be –

a someone. Found,

amongst many.

I saw you, too.


– Learning –  

a collection of photos and poems.


There is a saying on my phone’s lock screen which reads:
Have you seen today’s beauty?
It was put there years ago by a friend. Probably my best friend.
I wondered if I’d see beauty in D.C.
A city full of concrete and noise,
I considered rock concerts from my past,
welcome to the jungle.
I imagined where everyone who accompanied
and passed me down the sidewalk, was going.
I read their faces as best I could. I thought I’d see stress, overload, and even concern. I did.
But I also saw joy, friendship, health, and love amongst the lights and stone.
I must have questioned if I would …
The sky was blue most days, what’s not to celebrate?
People find companionship with one another over similarities,
the obvious return is doing life together.
Accepting what our hearts and bodies need is universal, and so we work to treat them well.
We’re more alike than we are different, I’m sure
someone important came up with the saying.
But we are different, and embracing this is key.

– Learning –

A collection of photos and poems from D.C.

Appealingly Nonsensical

Watching snow fall, not blow, but spill beautifully as if paid to do so by Hollywood, I find myself smiling. We could have prayed for years and never received this gorgeous day. Hours of complete enjoyment were ahead. We needed the moisture, and I knew we were finally seeing it, so contentment overwhelmed my heart.
I recalled a conversation about precisely how many feet of snow it would take for an inch of rainfall – yet I can’t for the life of me remember what the amount was, and so I giggle. Typical Audrey. I used to have people around to remember those details.  I try not to allow any negative thoughts when I can’t recall useful data because this, some would see as irresponsible, is me. I’ll chalk it up to not necessary enough and move on with smirk across my lips.

I find pleasure scooping snow while snowflakes fall one after another, some bigger than others. Not a breeze to be found, curious how we don’t normally refer to the wind as a breeze in the wintertime, but somehow yesterday the lack of came to me as such, while I threw another scoop of white to my left. Life appearing so peaceful and possibly perfect.

While others wait to forge a path outside, I find serenity scampering about doing small things, all the while listening for nature to wake. Silly squirrel presses forward slowly and leaps for a nearby tree. I consider how useful a new bird feeder would have been this morning and silently scold myself for not making that a priority in September and all the months that followed. It appears I was successful in punishing myself, although I had no idea I would be doing so at the time. Kept from the enjoyment I find in watching for cardinals, but made a note to get a new one next time I was in town. We shall see.

I ponder the quiet outdoors and how well I can hear myself breathe. My mind is open to possibilities, and how easy life can is if we stop and just do what comes naturally. Maybe you find it nonsensical, but a winter storm energizes me. All my daily musts are replaced by the here and now – and I do so love living in the moment as there is less time to ponder the what ifs. My muscles are tender, yet my mind clear.

* Just some thoughts & a silly little picture of the before and after of yesterday’s snowfall. I adore how safe the green bush appears after the snow. One powerfully protected by the other, it seems. Love that.

Always, Love

Sometimes people don’t realize what they’ve been offered, is room to grow,

space to breathe, heal, try something new, make decisions, and even complete final drafts.

Care: It isn’t always a verb. ‘Tis also a noun. The provision towards what is necessary; to apply consideration to a situation to avoid further damage or risk.

The beauty in love – space to grow – is in the offer to step aside in hopes of growth succeeding. Knowing full well everything may change, and we no longer matter.

Trust is felt, and when it isn’t given in return, we sense the void – feel the lack of – quite like someone’s arms length we clung to for years knowing we shouldn’t.

Love is the color of amber, to me, quite like every color squeezing in together, without erasing one for another in hopes of a happy ending.

Just Right

I watched the sun set tonight. She is such a beauty sliding behind the cedars.
Favorite game – hide and seek.
Her curve seems to hug “just right”around the tips, and well, I guess I’ve always thought so…
A small smile turned up around my cheeks, a flushing of pink appeared,
and then I thanked her for rising this morning.
As if to wink, she paused and then moved on, as one should, I suppose.


Our compassion comes from a place of empathy,
or at least it should.
Who are we if we don’t wish the very best for someone?
Trials greet us when we’re not  looking, sinking us  into new depths.
Gratitude overwhelms the healing pieces of us, and it is there we should bow.
Nature nurtures, realize this at the very least, smile and allow the comfort as it exhales its release.

Sense of Direction

The summer rain has painted fields of sunflowers
and the August breeze cools the brow.
67 degrees in the Sandhills, and nobody can explain how.

Wheat with a sense of adventure has been brushed in for effect,
and life gets interesting
just beyond the hills,
as I hear, “You haven’t been over there yet.”

Push past the state line, skys bluer than azure await,
there’s small horse towns ’bout every 8 miles,
and remember, “When you leave, shut the gate.”

Fuel isn’t getting any cheaper, and time waits for no one,
so dismiss all the reasons why one shouldn’t,
smell the damp dirt, allow it to slide through your fingers, let the wind send it.

Press the pedal on the right, bite your lip, and
appreciate the sound of your giggle,
the prairie weaves over and under –
everything beyond here matters,
and you’re not getting any younger.


the source:
reason for one’s distraction

out here beyond the familiar, I escape.
ponder what it must be like
to go and wander,
past where bridges lie, and
to a place my feet welcome;
a path unrecognizable to my soul.
my mind allowed freedom
as I see myself pushing back against a warm summer breeze.
nightfall is yet to be seen, yet the week is already before me.
stillness becomes evident, while the sky slowly burns across Midwestern hues.
I sense maybe you’re listening, so
I offer this plea –
challenge me, but don’t leave.

The Climb

despite what looms around her,

the past
the expectations
the privilege
the power
the beauty
the silence
she chooses to try.

she begins at the bottom,
alone – yet, her
confidence is exposed as petals stretch.
amethyst her signature,
and starlet her pose,
the climbing inevitable, but
she’s worth it,
and you know.

Yours, Audrey

Worth It?

a vision to enjoy,
rustic and pristine.
with an ounce of curiosity
I dream,
what stories are held within-

is this beauty, as she stands,
left for the taking,
or is someone keeping watch?
left to her own devises,
her strength must continue, remain hopeful in winter.
alone amongst the blanket of snow, she screams forlorn,
however you see her and she remains yours.
might she be worth the risk?