Do You See Her?

Do you see her? A lady lying there in delicate submission? Or is it just me…

still with a window’s view
creating something
out of nothing more
than nature’s most complex beauty

tell me it isn’t just me
who sees
how her eyes are hidden
her neck smooth
breast attentive
laying there awaiting

*I wonder if maybe it is only I who truly sees her. Nonetheless, she is there.

Isn’t she? ♡

44 thoughts on “Do You See Her?

  1. See her so clearly, wrapped up in the mist ~ a mystery she is. Is she sleeping, dreaming or is this her dream as she waits peacefully? Beautiful photograph Audrey, made more special with your words: “her eyes are hidden, her neck smooth, breast attentive, laying there awaiting him.” This leaves me feeling very similar to the first time I saw the Mona Lisa, and wondered…


    • Mr. Collis, I’ve missed you. You’ve been gone so long. (Wants to get all dramatic like in the classic film The Quiet Man when Maureen O’Hara slaps John Wayne for being gone so long and then falls dramatically into his arms crying because he’s safe…wait. Was there a scene like that?) Glad you’re okay.

      Your words add so much to this post. Leaving me to wonder what you would have written. Leaving the world breathless, for sure. You’ve seen her and taken to adding your own thoughts as you ponder a vision in front of you. It’s what makes you my Photographer Philosopher Extraordinar. When you wondered, while viewing the Mona Lisa, did you walk away with your questions answered? This mountain beauty I can’t un-see. I identify with her, I suppose. A dream she waits for patiently. I’m thankful you see her peaceful.

      Thank you for your visit, Randall. I pray you’re well. ♡


    • There are some questions that can never be answered, and those are the gifts life brings us ~ for we search and discover so much more along the way. 🙂 There is nothing quite like living in a dream, so I will continue to hold true to this thought with her. Things are going well ~ although already a bit shocked to see we are already 25% of the way through this year.
      Wishing you well Aud, and never lose the drama 🙂 Always need to have the classic scenes, yes?!? I will have to check out The Quiet Man, I love old flicks, especially western (surprise, surprise). Maureen O’Hara, yes…


    • I suppose being left with wonder in our eyes is a gift. That’s what you do, Randall.
      Yes, no surprise, an OR cowboy who loves a western. Giggle. This one, however, is John Wayne as an Irishman. Ohhhh ahhh!! Redheads make pretty good feisty scenes, too. Such a fantastic movie. I love when he drags her by the hair. Sigh. Giggles more. Watch it and let me what you think sometime.
      Enjoy your evening.


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