A Day In The Life

. . . You know those days when you wake up to a mountain of snow in your yard, because – wind – , so you make coffee and you spend an hour and a half talking yourself up to a game of shoveling for an hour or more? Not minding the physical work really, but the wind is gonna cut hard this time causing the debate inside my head a heaviness. (Nebraska blizzards are the worst, yet I adore them.)

You put on a few layers of clothes, bemoaning how you look in a hat 😳, wishing you’d purchased taller boots for winter, and decide you are capable of doing anything so you march outside ready to take on the snow with your trusty shovel. The object that has seen you through six consecutive winters in Nebraska since the last one broke and never failed.

The two of you dance about the sidewalk and around the car, being mindful of the fact you accidently mule kicked your jeans off last night in the dark and broke your pinky toe on your dresser so it already feels crammed into thick socks and tight boots as it is… so go easy, Aud.

Never mind your nose is dripping, ears are frozen because your hat is too short and your hazel eyes are watering due to refusing the scarf, as it’s too bulky and makes ya sweat anyway, and life feels hard but you’re making it work so ya laugh to say, “Cheers on you life,” and finish strong. Taking time to laugh at yourself every time you toss the snow against the wind and it attacks right back. This girl will never learn.

Grateful to be done with round one as you stomp back inside, after shoveling a path in the grass, as well, so ya can get to the car parked out back, with wet gloves, snow on top of the worthless hat you knitted as a first knitted object ever and you wanna fit into it.

However you were born with a big head and curly hair so hats don’t look right, then ya kick off the shorty expensive snow boots you were just sure would be so cute with jeans when you’re out and about at Christmas time and the sense of regret settles in.

See, you’re kinda cussing them because they kept your feet warm – good – yet you can’t feel your wet frozen ankles – bad. Side eye yourself realizing nobody cares because you’re the only one here now, so ya stop talking.

Wander a bit around the house as your glasses de-fog and ponder where you put your furry slippers when you first started this project nearly four hours ago and suddenly realize . . .

You didn’t pour one cup of coffee from the coffee pot and now it’s cold. AND so are you.

I can’t decide how I feel about myself now.
Love my life.

. . . wandering away now towards the microwave cold cup in hand

I’m Not An Italian Poetess


Typical Monday, it seems. Tried making lunch, while writing my feelings. Epic fail ensues, as thoughts continue to pursue my mind. Forcing me so easily to forget the time.

Poet’s are always lyrical, definitely this one, it seems. I can’t get past writing this as poetry. Stick a knife in my side. Please, won’t you abide? My friends, don’t write and bake, unless burned pizza is all you’re willing to take. My wishes sincere, once again, don’t do both while planning to eat, you won’t win.

Thankful I have a few other attributes that keep you coming around. Like maybe my smile or even my frowns. Tears shower plenty upon these walls, oh God, stop her before she continues to pitfall.

Laughter begins, oh look, a grin! Yep, tis possible, she’s drunk again. No, my friends, it isn’t so. I’m just handling a Monday, so far as this one goes…

Loyal followers, stay with me, please. This is only going to hurt for a minute. Slap happy grins is how I’ll spin it, you’ll see.

She’ll never be an Italian chef
and poetess, too
just look at what
wandering thoughts
can do…

Writer’s multitasking summer,
kitchen’s a wreck,
lovely ideas interrupt
baking, for endless possibilities,
if only I would’ve stopped to check…

This homemade pizza now crisp
and slightly burned, tis true
thankful, in the end
this treat,
is simply a vessel for brew…


I should go back into the Houston sun. It’s just delightfully hot and humid here. Yeah, I know, I’m almost done. The end is near…


Sheer Focus


Just beyond this perfection,
Hard to change your focus, I know,
But, please do.
Overlook, no matter how hard it is,
Notice the wild grass protecting her,
I’m in love, I confess,
With verdant offerings.
Little bursts of flowers,
Purple and yellow,
Visions of wheat,
Now between your teeth,
Perhaps placed, behind your ear.
Earth, tickling my cheek, sprouting,
Life sways, as I try to convince,
Subtle beauty, I tease, can be just as intense.
Spring’s sky, perfectly blue,
Your smile, while we’re here,
Gently becomes our collective laugh,
As our eyes gaze upon her once again.
That one there… the one we looked past,
Her name: Sheer tangerine,
Count her petals,
Tell me she looks like me.

Happy Redhead Days (Haiku)


My quick reminder
A thrill seeking ride sometimes
Refunding allowed

Hugging a Ginger
Redhead Festival of joy
Shipped here from Mars

Rarity it seems
Nothing special we all know
Life never the same

How could I not share this important weekend with you?! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Yes, I’m losing it. The first week of school has me dreaming of a reason to celebrate, or how to possibly get out of work early on Friday. Whatever it takes y’all…

Real Quick

I’m an intelligent woman. I haven’t a degree in Information Technology, nor do I want one, but I have received an honorary degree from Cyberspace this past year. Okay, that’s a lie. Bold faced lie, but I should have received one. I’m pretty impressed with my abilities to rock some of this ITGeek stuff all by myself. (Yes, I made up a name. I like the name. Geek’s are awesome.) *flexing her muscles* I’m currently swooning over those with a bit more IT ability than I. ITGeekDates.net may not be a website yet, but I’m willing to create it. No, I’m not. Another lie. Worse than the last one. Can you imagine the drinking involved if I tried to do that? Seriously…

I just want to be able to manage this website, I so eagerly pay for each year, without becoming a complete and utter drunk. Seriously, I just want to write. I don’t want to sit here for days (okay maybe hours, probably minutes, before beginning this post) trying to figure out why WordPress is attaching any ol’ picture it wants onto my poem and shooting it on over to my Google+ profile. Honestly, it’s been about two hours. Sad, I know. Miserably, challenged in a few areas. This should and sounds like an easy fix.

Now, as much as I enjoyed receiving the Miracle Blogger Award, somehow it doesn’t send the right message when attached to a lost love poem. Ahhhh!!!! I don’t want white or gray hairs on my head and I’ve gotten a few by clicking buttons this evening.

I have this pain in my right temple and tequila isn’t helping it one bit. Anyway, if you don’t hear from me tomorrow it’s because I’ve passed out on my laptop, my phone or on my desk in front of the Apple. Don’t laugh if the lime juice has attached the lime slice to my cheek. Kindly, shake my shoulder and move along. Thanks.

Gotta run, my glass is empty and I’m headed back to the WordPress Help Center. I cannot promise that I won’t start hitting on people, if I don’t get this figured out soon. 🙂


My Early Morning Hike Of Inappropriate Thoughts

While walking down a trail one early morning in Nebraska, I stumbled upon this mushroom.


Do you see what I see?

I was shocked at first, I won’t lie. Interesting,  right? Look at him, y’all! I began giggling like a 13 year old girl. I confess, Mother Nature had me going x-rated during an early Saturday morning hike around the lake.

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My Captain


Wake up, Captain,
Time to see what this,
Ol’ vessel will do.
Take me away,
The sea is calling,
Insisting on a quest.
Pleading, may I go with you?
Our boat’s broken,
I don’t mind.
We’ll fix her quirks,
She’ll shine bright,
Reflecting diamonds in my eyes.
Toss the map overboard,
A destination shows weakness,
We’ll go where the wind pleases.
Somewhere beyond,
These familiar shores,
Time relinquishes its hold.
Allowing us to release control.
Enjoy a voyager’s life,
Void of pressures or fears.
I’ve waited for you long enough,
Captain O’Captain,
Call me your First Mate,
Or if I’m in luck, your Lady.
I’ve proven I’m ready,
I believe in a better life,
This is destiny waiting.
Now fire this Beauty up!
Listen to her cough,
Smoke doesn’t bother me,
No, not at all.
This anxious smile,
All because of you.
Wave good-bye,
Tell them we’ve had fun.
Our adventurous dreams,
Have us fleeing,
Like lovers on the run.
Finding peace,
Beyond what is normal,
Past what makes sense,
Into a life of craziness.
This is our boat,
Her name:
Out Of Control
Or your favorite:
Will This Thing Sink
I giggle and reply,
For you I’d do anything.

Dragon’s Loyalty Award: I’ve Been Lifted Up

I have to accept the award given to me twice yesterday. The Dragon’s Loyalty Award has become one of my favorites, so the chance to blog about it again is so very welcomed. I’m thrilled to be acknowledged by two humorists or humourists. They’re brilliant at pulling out a chuckle or smirk. I was offered a new button for this award, but there’s something about this one that I like, so I’m keeping it. I’ve offered the other two options below, but first let’s get to the two bloggers responsible for making my day brighter yesterday.


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