All The Feels Today

Loving this song’s message on EVERY level this morning.

Oh how I miss this space. ♡

“Mommying” in every direction as of late. Working on being intentional.

Still have this fantasy of a white or dark knight who musters up and says, “I’m picking up this side of the box. Let’s roll.”

I see so much potential in the best of places, yet I’m drawn to Him. I pray its known.

Until then I do what needs done. Normal. Everyday. Girl.


23 thoughts on “All The Feels Today

  1. Great song, first I’ve heard of the artist – and wonderful lyrics. Perhaps the best lyrics come from you, which is “Until then I do what needs done. Normal. Everyday. Girl.” ~ which just happens to be the best type of girl in the world 🙂 Cheers to a great week ahead!


  2. Beautiful song, thank you for sharing. Recently I’ve been practicing mindfulness and self-compassion (something that was totally foreign to me) and I finished a long-overdue letter to myself that was therapeutic. The words to this song spoke to my heart.


  3. Very good people, those who feel empathy for others, often forget to be kind to themselves. They get lost in the needs of others because the circumstances of other people appear dire. They deny their themselves that special friendship and comfort zone of someone on whom they can lean. Audrey, I’m so glad you’ve recognized that you are every bit as wonderful and significant as everyone. I still believe that special someone is out there for you, both the friend on whom you can lean and the lover who sees your inner and outer beauty. You may have to let go and allow that vulnerable part of your soul to show.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, Shari. This is my own doing partly because I’ve not been shown or offered another way. It also comes naturally. Trust, for me, was broken early on, so love seems entirely conditional upon what I do. When I finally felt loved, and then to learn it wasn’t really love but once again conditional upon my adoration and time, I lost trust in trust again. I pray every day and seek to try again. I am worthy of true love. I’m open and vulnerable.
      Thank you for being a friend to me.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve learned that white knights don’t usually show up until your life is Filled-to-Overflowing. Then you wonder for an instant where you’ll find time for anything — or anyone. But you do. Hang in there, my friend!


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