Vintage Memories


Passed through the screen door,
Recalled the carpeted staircase,
Felt the pull of Maxine,
Grandmother, to me.
Twenty-three years, two months
Since we stood closely,
Right here
Packing odds and ends
To her,
Treasures, to me.
Cabinet I’ll never forget
Cookie dough testing,
“Needs flour, touch it, you’ll see,
Grab the butterscotch chips,
These will be Grandpa’s offerings.”
Sounds made when the drawers
Opened and closed, vintage whisperings,
Now upon my ears,
Fingertips sliding across moments,
Window gifting the same view,
Coverings, crisp and clean
Perfect place, for
Snapping green beans,
Time to move the sprinklers,
Grab a bucket, strawberries to tend,
Summers without her
Still painful, something I dread.

35 thoughts on “Vintage Memories

  1. Your words so descriptive of such tender emotions… i felt them surge from my heart to my face and then to my eyes… red face, watery eyes and aching heart is not my best look… this is just beautiful Audrey… sadness in the missing… but joy in the memories…
    Amazing story… Thank you so much for letting us share part of the journey…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Not my best look either, Michael. I must say that I rarely write about her, because when I do I become overwhelmed with missing her. Thank you for the kindred tears, my dear. You’re welcome, of course. Thank you for reading my poetry. *hugging you back* xx You are a blessing to this poetess.


  2. These are wonderful memories, and they obviously live deeply in your heart. Snapping some green beans and picking strawberries sound like good ways to keep her memory alive, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful Audrey. You have such sweet relationships with your family. It’s lovely. That’s my hope for my children. I want them to have special memories of their childhood and youth. And I love that part, ‘vintage whisperings’ Very nice indeed.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This one brings back so many memories of my own dearly departed grandmothers, Audrey. Amazing that a brief scent or a sight can bring them back, almost as if they never left — ’tis the beauty of memory, I suppose.


    • I was back in my grandmother’s house this summer. Being inside, with my 89 year old grandfather still living there, makes me miss her so terribly. I can only imagine his memories. Only house they lived in together. Raised three kids and many grandchildren. Thanks for reading, Debbie. Hugs. Memories are tough when thinking of those we loved so deeply.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I so love this. It reminds me of Grandma Edna out on the farm. She is still alive in a retirement center in GI and I talk to her every so often. She’s 94 now.


    • Thank you, Monsieur. ♡ I’m thankful my poem brought her to mind. Similar memories, my dear. My grandmother in Hayward is approaching her 90s soon enough. This photo is of inside my 89 year old grandfather’s house in Kansas. He continues to live there and after visiting him this summer, still doing many of the daily chores she enjoyed. I loved being there, feeling her and the close relationship we shared. Women like her, like your grandmother, are to be cherished. I appreciate you sitting here with me for this one. Feels good.


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