Awareness Sublime

today I walked into the post office.
just inside the door that never locks,
and the silver trim protectively surrounding her,
i saw it.
up against the corner swept weekly,
probably daily in the winter,
almost already behind me,
was a lone white plastic sack.
the contents inside
dwindled down to one cucumber
someone’s summer bounty,
now one of yours,
left, possibly given, presumably abandoned.
I flicked the envelopes into the slot,
turned two keys looking for more requirements,
thankful there wasn’t a spinning combination lock anymore.
somebody take her home, I thought, as I pushed the door open to leave,
and listened as it shut.

I’m Not An Italian Poetess


Typical Monday, it seems. Tried making lunch, while writing my feelings. Epic fail ensues, as thoughts continue to pursue my mind. Forcing me so easily to forget the time.

Poet’s are always lyrical, definitely this one, it seems. I can’t get past writing this as poetry. Stick a knife in my side. Please, won’t you abide? My friends, don’t write and bake, unless burned pizza is all you’re willing to take. My wishes sincere, once again, don’t do both while planning to eat, you won’t win.

Thankful I have a few other attributes that keep you coming around. Like maybe my smile or even my frowns. Tears shower plenty upon these walls, oh God, stop her before she continues to pitfall.

Laughter begins, oh look, a grin! Yep, tis possible, she’s drunk again. No, my friends, it isn’t so. I’m just handling a Monday, so far as this one goes…

Loyal followers, stay with me, please. This is only going to hurt for a minute. Slap happy grins is how I’ll spin it, you’ll see.

She’ll never be an Italian chef
and poetess, too
just look at what
wandering thoughts
can do…

Writer’s multitasking summer,
kitchen’s a wreck,
lovely ideas interrupt
baking, for endless possibilities,
if only I would’ve stopped to check…

This homemade pizza now crisp
and slightly burned, tis true
thankful, in the end
this treat,
is simply a vessel for brew…


I should go back into the Houston sun. It’s just delightfully hot and humid here. Yeah, I know, I’m almost done. The end is near…


Vintage Memories


Passed through the screen door,
Recalled the carpeted staircase,
Felt the pull of Maxine,
Grandmother, to me.
Twenty-three years, two months
Since we stood closely,
Right here
Packing odds and ends
To her,
Treasures, to me.
Cabinet I’ll never forget
Cookie dough testing,
“Needs flour, touch it, you’ll see,
Grab the butterscotch chips,
These will be Grandpa’s offerings.”
Sounds made when the drawers
Opened and closed, vintage whisperings,
Now upon my ears,
Fingertips sliding across moments,
Window gifting the same view,
Coverings, crisp and clean
Perfect place, for
Snapping green beans,
Time to move the sprinklers,
Grab a bucket, strawberries to tend,
Summers without her
Still painful, something I dread.

Chocolate Cake


Getting ready for a nice evening with friends tonight. The men always enjoy a nice slice of chocolate cake. My dad does, too. Couldn’t help but think of him while I was in the kitchen. I loved making his favorite dessert. I’ll send him this picture and give him a call in a bit.

This photo was just taken and the cake is still warm. I call it Yum-Yum Cake, but others call it Texas Sheet Cake. This warm chocolate brownie cake reminds me of my April blog anniversary story, as well. The image still resonates with me, so it’ll be extremely hard watching everyone enjoy this cake later. Ha! Enjoy! Maybe you should make it for someone special tonight. Get in the kitchen and make the cake together…now that is a happy thought.

Yum-Yum Cake

2 c. flour
2 c. sugar
1/8 tsp. salt
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. butter flavoring
2 sticks of butter
1/4 c. cocoa
1 c. water
1/2 c. buttermilk
1/2 tsp. soda
1/2 tsp. baking powder

Mix the flour and sugar together in a large mixing bowl. Boil the butter, cocoa and water in a saucepan. Pour it over the dry ingredients and mix. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Bake on a large cookie sheet at 400° for 20 minutes on the top rack of the oven.


1 stick of butter
4 T. cocoa
6 T. milk
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 lb. powdered sugar
1 to 1 1/2 c. nuts (optional)

Boil the butter, cocoa, milk and vanilla. Pour over the powdered sugar and mix with a whisk. Spread the frosting on the cake as it comes from the oven.

A World With You

Robin Red Breast tweets
Do you remember
Our melody
Water, crystal blue
Allows me to dream of you
Children’s laughter
Creates my giggling
Yes, the way you prefer me
I find myself singing
Music accompanying
A stunning beat
When you’re around me
I crave sharing
Food’s most tempting flavors
Nights full of wishes
Your arms owning
Providing, peaceful sleeps

Can’t That Hashbrown Casserole Take A Hint?

I Don’t Care Whether Hashbrown Casserole Goes With Leftover Chicken Noodle Soup or Lasgna

Written by, Audrey Dawn

Preparing meals for my family has always been a priority in my life. I started learning how to cook for my father and three siblings during my sixth grade year of elementary school. As each day passed, I got a little bit better at cooking what everyone loved. I finally feel like I’ve gotten a bunch of my Midwestern culinary staples perfected after years of practice. There are often times I crave eating them, so off to make them I’ll happily go minding my own business. Why can it never be that easy?

There has been a comic on the side of our refrigerator for a few years now:

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A Sunshine Award: You Did What, Audrey Dawn?!

There is nothing like logging in and seeing notifications from fellow bloggers and friends. Recently, I had two friends stop by to let me know that they had chosen me for the Sunshine Award. I think this award is fantastic and let me tell you why. It’s fantastic because I8425_1237661427550_7802202_n feel like I was born radiating sunshine, so me getting this seems predestined, right? I mean just look at this baby picture…

Crazy, right? I’m glowing, here. This red hair of mine has forever been a beacon of light, but I’ve gotten used to it. 😉

No, in all seriousness, I couldn’t be more appreciative of this award. The award comes from two ladies who have been such helpful consultants and frequent commentors on my blog. They help me feel like I belong on WordPress. I’d love it if you stopped by and give them some love.

The Library Lady and Rosie Bear : Geanie, a.k.a Library Lady, is a fellow bookaholic and still enjoys the company of Rosie Bear, her childhood pal. The two of them can make you laugh through stories and book reviews. Geanie has a way of making you feel like you’re in the room with her. I like that, a lot. She has a heart of gold, so stop by when you get a chance.

Princess of the Light: Shining the Light For All: MRS. N, the Author is very busy with NaBloPoMo, but her main focus is getting her book, Princess of the Light, published. MRS. N spreads sunshine consistently on her blog. She’s worth checking out, send her well wishes as she carries out her dream.

Now, to keep with the rules of this award I have to share ten random facts about myself. I’ve gotten this award before, so now I’m technically offering out twenty random facts about myself. I feel like that’s quite a lot, if I get this award again there may not be many secrets left for me. Well, there would be a few. 😉  Y’all better not laugh at me. Or do, I can laugh at myself, quite easily, I assure you. Honesty, is one of my best/worst traits, if you ask I will share. Just like eye contact, if someone gives it to me, then I return the favor. This act leaves me no choice, since Geanie and MRS. N shared, I will also share.

sunshine-award-1I wish I had some intro music…or David Letterman.

1. I love plain cheesecake. Don’t ever ask me if I want nuts, chocolate, fruit, cookies or a drizzling of any sort on my cheesecake. I can’t get excited about that with you. You’re on your own there, friend. Why mess up a good thing, that’s my question to you.

2. I had two 4-H steers growing up. The first one was a Hereford-Angus cross named Panda. I loved him so much. Next was Dude, he was a pain in the butt and he lived up to his name. He loved having his hair blown-out and waved or curled for show. Obviously, he was a diva.

3. I love cowboys. My dad’s nickname is Cowboy. I come from a long line of cowboys/cowgirls.

4. When You Say Nothing At All, by Keith Whitley is a favorite song of mine. I love everything about his voice and the music put to the words, fantastic. Begin Again, by Taylor Swift is another one I’ll share. The writing, is beautiful and I find myself listening to the words frequently. I love the story she tells.

5. I miss riding around in the pick-up with my brother. He’s one of my favorite cowboys and living sixteen hours from him makes me sad. He’s my favorite cook, he fixes everything, he can two-step better than my father, he lets me ride in the Case IH or semi with him, he taught me how to drive a three-on-the tree in Old Blue…oh yeah, this was supposed to be about me. Oops. ((lost in thought))

6. My favorite vacation spot is in the Colorado Rockies. Summer after summer we’d drive up and stay in Eldora, CO at my great uncle’s cabin. It was their summer home and break from California. The cabin was my happy place. I fear that the cousins who have it now, don’t appreciate it quite the same way my father’s family does.

7. My nickname is Aud, and oddly enough I prefer odd numbers. I have a sister who prefers even numbers. Imagine the fight over how the egg carton should look. 🙂 She thinks they all need a buddy. I believe having one stand alone in the column shows independence and bravery. Self confidence, if you will. (I know, it’s just an egg. Who cares…)

8. My dream is to have a porch big enough for all of my friends. We’d sit together, talk about everything, sing familiar songs, I’d feed them, oh how we’d laugh, I’d love on them, offer them ice tea, even sweetened if they preferred, and then make them pinky promise to come back again tomorrow.

9. I’m interested in the Salem witch trials. I cannot imagine living during that time period.  The Shape of Mercy, if you’re interested in a fiction story on the events of that time, is a good look inside. I don’t believe in witchcraft. What actually happened during the course of one year (1692-1693) makes my stomach turned over and over again.

10. If I can’t build you up, then who will? I love what God has put me here to do, I honestly do. XOXO