
The day had finally arrived it was Mom’s pick.

The dreaded Bible Museum, “… this is my no discussion item.”

“You understand it costs $30, right?”

“Yep, I do, and I’ll gladly buy the tickets. It’s my turn today.”

“Mom, there are so many places to visit and they cost you nothing. I know why you want to go, but this is an expensive trip as is…”

“I can’t come all this way and not go, plus I’ve already lost the cathedral visit because of their schedule.”

“You lead the way.”

“I need to manage my time right so I don’t miss the next showing of A Walk Through Creation. The lady said start on the third floor.”

A few moments later.

“Mom, come look. Mom, do you see this? Mom, this is soo old. Mom, I could stay just in this room for an hour. Mom, I need a picture of that. Mom, these artifacts are priceless.”

“Now you understand why I cried when I saw the Gutenberg Bible yesterday, sweet child of mine.”

” If you’re up to waiting I think we should do the Walk Through the Old Testament, they line up over there.”

“I’d really love to, yes.”

“Wow, this is bright.”
“Yes, son, and then there was light.”

“Their depiction of the rainbow is beautiful…”
“God’s promise.”

Many, many, many moments later.

“Mom, I’m didn’t expect to learn so much. You do realize where all that came from?  I’d do this again, for sure. This is a top D.C. spot for me.”

“Its kinda like I knew all along. You are my son…”

– Learning –  

a collection of photos and poems.

***As I begin sharing the last few poems of the D.C. collection, I’d like to say thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts.


15 thoughts on “Non-negotiable

  1. Sometimes we mistakenly (and accidentally) attempt to lead when quietly giving following a chance would suit us better. I’m glad he got to SEE this. I’ve watched in wonder as folks refused to grasp the beauty offered them just so they could cling to “being right”. Hopefully he will continue to have such moments and thus he will continue to give the things around him the “chance to fail.”


    • Oh, you can imagine the joy it brings me to see his eyes light up and his intelligence take over. He, for all intents and purposes is way smarter than I’ll ever be, but I’ve had a lot of practice in introducing new to him. He and I have that in common. Just today he was texting me about how much he enjoyed spending time together last week. Said showing me around his “new” fulfilled a part of him he rarely uses. It’s the unknown that we fear may trick us into a bad experience. Generally, when you can trust those around you, one should literally skip into the unknown.
      Thank you for being here, C. I’m getting used to it, you know. ♡


    • There are comfortable things that folks can mistakenly take for granted. The relationship with the next generation is one as too many forget to allow them to grow into leadership. They will (increasingly) have moments they lead and (if done well) there is a seamless transition without fear. Glad y’all are having fun.


    • I think the transition, fir moms maybe more than dad’s- however I know a few who have struggled with grown children no longer in need of them. I’ve been finding my days without concern for their safety or need to be a welcomed break thus far. Both show real strength. Maybe I just in a good mood today.
      You’re right, I do envy those who have comfort figured out. Thank you for your thought-provoking comment, C.


    • In the grand scheme of “normal” there is a disconcerting fact. We age. At youth this is exhilarating but with time…. But, the next generation fills each space left by the one before it. Just as a generation cares for its parents, soon its kids care for it. But, first, it must let its kids grow into ones able to take care of themselves.


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