35 thoughts on “Cerulean View

  1. This is my favourite track from Mark Isham’s album “Blue Sun”. I advise headphones, a calm mind, an open heart, close attention (and if required a tissue or two.) With love:

    You did request blue. πŸ™‚


  2. Aw, this one is lovely! I hope you’ve had a string of days as beautiful as we have — this is what makes living in the Midwest ideal. (We won’t talk about the ice and snow. No, we won’t!)


  3. Blue Boon

    The blue of splendor above the clouds
    And infinite stars yet sleepy in the cosmos
    The blue of a gentle memory on a bird’s wing
    And the promise of an evening’s calm hand
    The blue I gather in crinoline armfuls
    And gift to my friend the poet, Audrey

    (I thought I posted this yesterday, but it didn’t show up, so I’ve posted it again.)


    • Shari, I am in awe. Your word pictures take my breath away. I sit here and stammer…how is it possible you credit me with a gift when in all actuality it is YOU who holds the poetic pen of a true Poetess?!?!
      Your poem is a stunning piece of work. Please post it to your blog and give it the wings it so deserves and desires. Breathtaking.
      Thank you, my friend. I’m honored. Beyond words.


  4. Oh, my goodness Audrey Dawn… What a magnificent sky you have captured.
    Maybe I should say… very blu-tiful….
    Sorry… couldn’t help myself.

    The hues that dance inside my head
    While lost inside the words you said
    Angels dance on harvest skies
    My muse, my dream… on sky blue eyes

    Hope your evening is as beautiful as your words and the sky above you…


    • Blu-tiful words, Traveler33. I’m happy you like the photo. It’s a bit of the Nebraska open skies I see daily. Your humor is welcome. Giggles.
      Poetry at its finest and I’m thrilled you added your words here. A pleasure of mine to offer you an escape.

      Azure, aquamarine
      Jewel toned sea
      Angel, Mermaid
      Harvest bounty
      A poet’s choice
      Wish or dream

      Liked by 1 person

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