Sweet Treat


Miniscule bundles,
Perfection, independently.
Candy like in color,
Effortless abilities, proven in infancy.
One of spring’s early risers,
Easily resists conformity.
Among similar wild arrivals,
She’s still nature’s sweetest treat.

25 thoughts on “Sweet Treat

  1. If you were a flower…this is the one you’d be. Looks just the way I image you and the way your poetry reads…”Perfection, independently…Effortless abilities…Easily resists conformity…nature’s sweetest treat.” Not a bad combination at all Audacious…happy to see you are enjoying your spring.


    • If I refuse to answer this comment does that mean you’ll stay? I don’t want to see you go. I feel like that lady at the end of the dock, scarf in hand. Instead, here you are leaving me with the most romantic comment ever.

      If I were a flower… Dalo! You flirt. Don’t stop now. 😉

      I’m running away with you. It’s official. “Somebody pack my bags!” 😉 Wait. You said not a bad combination, does that mean I’m just okay? Naw, you used Audacious. ..I’m terribly perfect, it seems. ♡

      Our time is over already. See what you’ve reduced me to, a sassy mess. *straightens her hair* Thank you for this perfect ending. You’re amazing and I love our walks together. I appreciate the time you give my poetry. (So much effort goes into you catching up! I’m not worthy.) I know your off time is precious to you and it means a lot to have you share it with me. Enjoy your weekend, Mr. Collis. xoxo ♡


  2. Small flowers may not be as treasured as large, showy ones but they are more resilient, live longer and are often the first to show in spring – there’s a lesson there and i’ve just learned it.
    A fine offering, Audrey

    Big Hugs



  3. What pretty flowers. And your poem is perfect for this picture too. I love the reference to candy. The pink and the yellow. It makes me think of those candies that sort of just melt in your mouth. Do you know the ones I mean?
    🙂 ❤


  4. Audrey, these look delicious — great way to describe them as candy! What are they? Golly, I never noticed so many beautiful things when I lived in Texas!! Perhaps I need a trip back to remind me what I left?!?


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