Big Girl

my step is lighter, yet
i want you here,
can’t imagine this feeling will ever go away.
whatever the journey
lessons are learned
being open to growth
is difficult,
but I’ve humbled myself,
ready for today.
What I Would Have Shown You

– The End.

13 thoughts on “Big Girl

  1. This photo is perfect for the feeling of exploration, be it in the wilderness of nature or the mind. These are always the moments of discovering contradictions in life, and while on the surface they do not make sense, in your heart you know such feelings are perfect and make life what it is. Great lines, the opening echoing my thoughts: “my step is lighter, yet i want you here, can’t imagine this feeling will ever go away.”


    • Walking life, accepting that time either gives or takes away what we’re waiting for brings release and decision into our lives. What grateful heart I have for the realization of such.
      If you aren’t careful your flirting at the bottom might come across as an offer to hike alongside you and your travels. Giggle.
      Thank you for the probably unintended boost to my ego, Photographer Philosopher Extraordinaire. ♡


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