Whisper Into My Ear


A magical
Offering of
My delectation
Even for a fantasy
September’s ending
Or is it just beginning
Wrapped here with you
Trusting in your feathers
Chest against soft breasts
Leaning for conversation
Whispering into my ears
About peace and worry
Relating, so perfectly
Our reactions blush
Soft fleshy quiver
Your smile sighs
Lips closer still
Landing upon
Fairest skin
A red

49 thoughts on “Whisper Into My Ear

  1. Amazing. Not only does it read perfectly, with words holding so much meaning ~ but it is just beautiful to look at as well. Brilliant, brilliant and your wonderful ending yet again 🙂 Maybe one of my favorites of yours ~


    • Speechless… You’ve started and ended your visit leaving me speechless. Thank you for being so supportive, Dalo. I am always left in complete awe when you find my poetry inspiring. You inspire me. Always. A favorite? Randall, thank you… ♡♡ My ears are blushing infinite shades of red. Come closer. 😉


    • 🙂 Happy to hear… Off to Hangzhou/China for the next 3+ weeks, so will be behind the Great Fire-Wall of China ~ out-of-touch, out-of-mind with WordPress, which actually is never too bad of a thing either. Cheers and wish you more inspired work. Enjoy the weekend!


    • Dalo!!!!!!!!! You’re home. You’re back. You’re in one piece. You’re here!!!!! Thank you for letting me know. ♡ I would love to share those two bottles with you. Okay, I’ll let you put me down now. *slowly wipes the lipstick from your cheeks*

      Okay, I’m pulling myself together now. Poetic hat on perfectly… *smiles* Checked the mirror. Looks good…fire away, Photographer. 😉 I missed you horribly. 😚 Welcome home! (I’m pretty sure I embarrassed myself just enough.) Hi! 🙂


    • Back in one piece ~ and so very nice to have you jump into my arms 🙂

      Brought a great smile to my face, the perfect remedy for a slow morning! Looking forward to sharing the bottle(s)! Cheers to a great day (and night for you).


    • 🙂 Had a good day, the evening was funny as all these kids in Halloween costumes were walking around and the locals loved it… Cheers to a great weekend.


  2. Beautifully shaped poem, as Staci, I also love the first two lines “my darling”… and the line “about peace and worry”…
    Have a nice Sunday! ♥


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