Giggling Siblings


A photo received this evening
Via Assholes, it seems
Giggle worthy, I believe
Siblings, teasing me
Oldest Sister always clouding
Viewing and capturing daily
Poetic puffs of creativity
Eleven floors up, they see
A spectacular moon beaming
Redheaded Sister will envy
A moon over the Rockies
Pay no mind to the glaring
It’s sparkling somewhere brightly
None of us can accept or believe
Our father has Cancer, weeping
But humor’s alive and well, Roomies
Oldest Sister is finally, giggling
Hospitals can be so very boring
Tease Dad for flirting with Nurse “Nelly”
And let this Cloud Poetess be


Yes, we received the worst news this weekend. Dad has Lukhemia. We’re all shocked and terrified, but he finally agreed to attempt treatment. Praising God this evening. My three siblings are with him in Denver and I’m in Houston. What a bummer. I am staying positive. I have to, you know.

In true family style…we try to keep smiling. I love you Big Brother, Middle and Baby with all my heart. Love this Father of ours so very much, however, the next time I see you guys I’m gonna kick your asses. I cannot believe y’all sit around and make fun of my cloud pictures!! How rude! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ Man, do I love you!! *giggles*

(Yes, my first reaction was to reply by calling them Assholes, so I did. They pissed themselves laughing. ..I do not apologize.  Haha!)

Oh, and a few more pictures they sent me this weekend. For your viewing pleasure:


They literally have laughed me to scorn! πŸ™‚

This is complete cloud coverage, y’all. (See, I’m completely justified in calling them assholes, I think.) πŸ˜€

81 thoughts on “Giggling Siblings

  1. I’m so, so sorry about your dad. Cancer is shit, but I’m glad your dad has accepted to get medical treatment. He’s blessed to have such great kids to be there for him — giggling, teasing, writing poetry, and taking cloud pictures.


  2. I hate the news. My prayers and love to you, the siblings, and, of course, your dad. You flirt with Nurse Nelly all you damn want! Beat this damn leukemia on your terms.

    I love the laughter and the kidding and the assholes and the humor. That’s the way to deal and fight and battle, Aud.

    Be strong, my friend. Whatever you need to do, cloud pictures included.

    Call out by email if I can do anything.


  3. What a great family you have…and wish the very best to your father ~ you have absolutely the best attitude to take, and of course I will agree with your assessment of your siblings πŸ™‚ Take care!


  4. I enjoy your cloud poems very much, but it’s good to have those siblings to prod you. I hope your father’s treatments are successful. Keeping you, him and those… in my thoughts and prayers.


    • Yes, we do enjoy picking on one another and it is a fine way for them to show their support. It means they read my blog! Shocked!!! πŸ˜‰ We’re blessed with a pretty great scenario, Dan. He has a great chance at being around for a long time to come. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. They mean a lot. πŸ’—


  5. I truly love your cloud poems and pics! They are inspiring. But this laughter is also such good medicine. My family shared so much silly laughter with and around my dad. Brings love and life into the hard places. Praying for your family!


  6. Yes Audrey they are Assholes but they are assholes that love you. They are turning to you to protect them. I am sorry to hear about your Dad but glad he is having treatment. Keep writing about clouds that way they will feel all is normal. You look after them and I will pray for you and your dad. xxxxx


  7. Dear Audrey, I’m sorry, I hope your father will revover well and soon. I’m optimistic: his dynamic and gifted daughter will help him, FOR SURE πŸ™‚ take care! β™₯ for you β™₯ and for your father!


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