
glows does the moon
beyond the branches, which held verdant prisms of summertime,
rich with thoughts of what could be come daylight.

a star just to the north points towards a path I’m unsure of
but regrettably stare into,
the cold air touches the tears I shed for the prayers I’ve said,
nothing makes sense as the fairytale ends.

night, oh night, you shout at me so,
what shall come of my young soul; trapped in a body at the peak of her age
clouds bustle by, such hurry
I ponder what awaits
just past the horizon of a foolish wish, held back by this garden gate.


we’re supposed to be thankful,
even prepared for adventure,
makes us tougher.
I didnt ask, and strength is relative.


Pristine in color
brings laughter along to play
causes wistfulness.
I’d beg, but daylight is fleeting.


Snowflakes’ touch is delicate
lips ruby red; passionate
my tongue quick to taste.
The water slows, and life quiets.



when springtime disappoints
and autumn refuses to speak,
paint a word picture; create poetry.
write of summertimes lost,
oh, how does it go:
lemons and lemonade…something.
or maybe,
winter’s production of an early snow:
verdant and virgin frost,
yes, two Vs – funny.
take me to where optimists dream
and abandon me there, leave me be.

With or Without

She was quiet this morning,
Dawn, that is, miraculous,
Peaceful in her timeless dignity.

Two mallards skim rural water, as twin rogues,
Before taking flight with one another,
Their sky, a season of cerulean.

An ibis flirted with stoic wind,
Hardly noticed and without sound,
As her white wings rode his reliable gift.

Nature thrilled with my insistent watchful probe,
Created a warm glow from the rising sun,
Behind clouds, the color of smoke.

In the end, my eyes focused,
On a spider crawling about her web,
Intricate designer, naked to most.

Her long legs seemingly stretched across,
Compressed air, as I questioned myself, almost,
But, chose to alter my angle, instead.

Life reassured me, artistry brought into focus,
Minutes passed, comfort took hold,
As I found you there, too.

How do I know?
Alone, I briefly turned and whispered in awe,
“You’re seeing this, aren’t you?”

Hood replaced reluctantly, closed tight
Gloved hands situated
Into warm inviting pockets
I continue amongst what’s frozen

Autumn Springs


Autumn Springs from Summer’s Flame,
Eternal Passage of Season’s Change,
Dance of Passion’s Lingering Game,
Viridian for Copper, Elemental Exchange.

Primordial instincts embrace epic hues,
Fantasy’s Utopia, view Wisps becoming Brides,
Delphian Fairwell Fairies mimic and muse,
Rousing Shadows and Lovers, crimsons collide.

This is the second installment of a week long Autumn, Halloween, seasonal change, light and dark collaboration with Morgan, from if you would like to read her initial post click this right here.

I am thrilled to be writing along side Morgan, as her inspirations capture me daily. One day I find her writing of a fantasy world I can’t even begin to dream of, but would love to visit, and then in the next breath she’s left me a longing mess. I adore her poetry and her heart.

I will reiterate what Morgan explained quite perfectly in her post yesterday. Our collaboration isn’t scripted nor do we have any idea where each other will lead us, so hang on tight.

Our verses are off the cuff and inspired by each other, isn’t that lovely?! The image above chosen by Morgan, and I think it is perfect. Please join us this week, as we thrive on working with one another to bring you Autumn Springs.

*Original Artwork by: Lilla Marton*