16 thoughts on “Morrow

  1. This seems a perfect set of words to begin a New Year ~ sad and longing (as we do for the past year), but also reaching and hoping (as we have with the new). Really a tremendous use of words to bring out such emotions ~ beautiful work Audacious πŸ™‚


    • Hey, Cowboy. Yes, well, it is the perfect time of year to reflect and dream forward, I think. My humble musings on knowing when someone speaks right into my heart, but left with the reality of not yet feeling their touch. This is something we poets probably fight more than others, huh. Thank you for sorting through my thoughts and clearing up what I should have said. I’m honored. Always. (Audacious…tis growing on me, my dear.)


  2. Something incredibly SAD about this one, Audrey. Hope everything’s okay?? ‘Tis a hunger here, a deep desire, something perhaps that’s meant to be felt but not necessarily comprehended logically??


    • Audrey Dawn… This is one of your most beautiful… I have lingered here in your words and in your photo for far too long for my own good. Perhaps the longing… the hunger… the desire is only sad in its conception… but when the poem finds that inspired soul… in the perfect moment… it is most beautiful… Always.
      Searching for you in all places… finding you here in this moment…


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