
In the beginning there is excitement,
Passion for the idea of new,
Dreams run wild, and possibilities fierce with endlessness.
Who could we be, what will we learn
And how will we survive, thoughts rush yet breath is pensive
All the while, feeling lost on a speedway with experienced drivers,
Each thought jockeying for position in the line of importance.

All new, all fresh, all encompassing.

Plans made, vast space for the fast-paced.
Then reality strikes, the work begins, yet the fruits of labor hum, hold tight to all things precious.
The overall simplicity of how life is,
goes unnoticed,
work looked back upon as tactile and real, as callouses are worn, scars heal, and the unknown remains in existence, yet
there’s beauty in the sun rising.
History made minute by minute, choices lead to new places, and growth persevers in the name of passion.
Why wouldn’t you?

– Learning –  

a collection of photos and poems.

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