A Breath Of Life


Church bells play,
tone conveying,
family security; 
a melody of safety.
Auburn ringlets ride,
a cool breeze,
the horse’s name,
Summer’s dawn,
Nebraska earth,
just a few things,
mere reflection,
of life: breathing.

80 thoughts on “A Breath Of Life

  1. Looks like you had a lovely vacation, Audrey! Nothing much better than reconnecting with the roots of our childhood — reminds us where we came from and how far we’ve come! Beautiful shot and your words definitely do it justice!


    • Have you seen The Homesman with Hillary Swank, Tommy Lee Jones, Meryl Streep, and other memorable cast members? A rather harsh view of Nebraska in the 1850’s. I’ve read other books and accounts of life on the desolate frontier in the 19th century, a place so unforgiving that people regularly went insane and did the most horrific things – to each other, to themselves, to their children. Robert Gorlick’s book, A Reliable Wife, addresses the same hopeless situation though it takes place in Wisconsin about 50 years later. There was as much danger in one’s mind as in the landscape. Makes me grateful that when I’m falling apart, I have friends and family nearby to put me back together.
      The book and the movie are both somber, but I recommend them.


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