Let’s Just Add Versatile Blogger to My Short List…

I began my day seeing a rainbow, a double rainbow, while taking my children to school. I told them that today would be blessed. As I pointed to the rainbow, I explained to them that it was a beautiful promise from God. A reminder of His promise to us. It’s a marvelous thing…

Then my day went just okay. Nothing happened today that stood out as life shattering or earth changing. It was going along like a day you’d rather remember tomorrow then continue to be awake for today. A day of wishing and wanting the day to have gone differently.

And why?

Isn’t every day we’re here a day to be thankful for?


I was reminded of that earlier today, by my fairly new blogging friend, Becky. We’ve been getting to know each other a bit since she and I started following each other. She is always such a voice of encouragement, love, validation and friendliness to a fellow blogger. What I’m not sure she hears enough is how poetic her photos really are and how beautiful her out look on life is. Stop by her blog Blessings through raindrops… take a look and send her some love.

The Versatile Blogger Award

Becky stopped by my recent post to let me know she had nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. This award brought such a smile to my face. It has given me a boost to continue to write-through the “I’m too tired tonight.” feelings I’ve been recently dealing with when I sit down at the computer. The first few weeks of back to school can be shell shocking at times. Thank you, Becky. Thanks for stopping by on just the right day to say HI and Well Done. You’ll never know how much of a push it gave me.

So the rules of the Award are as follows:

If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.

  •  Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  •  Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
  •  Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. ( I would add, pick blogs or bloggers that are excellent!)
  •  Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  •  Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

I follow people who make me smarter, more thankful and make me laugh…those are always my go to needs. Blessings to you all! Becky, I know you have it…but just so you know, your pattern photo, for me, is one of my favorites.

Okay the Versatile Bloggers are all of you, but these were the one’s I didn’t see this award for already, if you have this award just know it’s yet another reason to believe you are amazing:

1. Little Bliss Book

2. Friendlyfairytales

3. My [redacted] Journey

4. My Top Fives

5. petitemagique

6. Smilingbug

7. Thoughts that might just be useful in the future

8. Being Nenne

9. Chasing Rabbit Holes

10. Cindy Knoke

11-15. Is about 30+ I clicked on, who have WAY more followers than I can ever hope to have so you already know that you’re amazing. 🙂

Okay, it’s getting late and I don’t even know 15 people, I mean, barely, so I’m stopping at 10, but if you’ve read this far and haven’t been awarded this yet, give me a buzz. I’ll read your blog and let you know what I think! By the way, I can’t believe how many people I follow who’ve got this pretty little award already. I’m kinda happy I’m in such good company now.

And finally:

The seven amazing, shocking, totally random and truthful things (okay, I went too far) about me are:

1. I am 100% the worst conversationalist. God bless those friends of mine who push on me to talk to them.

2. My belly consists of mostly baked goods, pretty sure my ovaries are mini bunt cakes. I love baked goods…

3. I wash my kitchen floor with a dish towel on my hands and knees because I think it gets cleaner. Waste of time.

4. I grew up in a town of less than 1,300 people and now live in the 4th largest city in US. Love will make you do crazy things.

5. I’m a speed reader.

6. I am a sucker for 80’s Big Hair Bands.

7. All I ever wanted to be was a Writer or a Livestock Auctioneer.

Yep, I’m Versatile…..FOR SURE!! Thanks again, Becky! Once again, humbled by a fellow blogger.

8 thoughts on “Let’s Just Add Versatile Blogger to My Short List…

  1. In reference to ‘the seven amazing, shocking, totally random and truthful things about me are:’

    Number four is very concerning… A small town girl’s heart transposed into a large city… will always long for the country… even when love is the reason… Most everyone has made wrong turns in the moonlight… We either learn to make that destination our home… or we must return to the place where our heart is waiting… Either way will work… We can just drive ourselves nuts trying to figure out where we should be… Sometimes… we never do… So we search for happiness wherever we may find it.
    Or perhaps… We write…

    I bet you wish I’d get a hobby or something and quit bothering you with all my comments…
    Okay… I’m going to quit reading your posts for the moment… but I don’t want to…
    Have a beautiful evening Audrey


  2. Pingback: Right, time for some awards… | My Top Fives...

  3. Audrey,
    YOU are amazing! Your gift of writing is incredible, and you’re right….love can make us do crazy things some times 🙂
    I honestly believe you have accomplished your goal as a great writer, although I must admit, I would love to hear a little of the Livestock Auctioneer version of you some day! 🙂 Until then, please continue to write! You make me smile! Thank you for the kind words, encouragement and virtual “pat on the back”! You are so very kind!
    Have a wonderful, thankful rest of the week!


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