

Reaching out onto a trail way,
Quietly, she blooms,
Bashful, as always,
Appearing, however, for you.

Rain settling in again today.

Visioning you here, always,
Wandering about her scent,
She carries your tender touch,
As she delicately sways.

Your offer, lingering upon her branch.

Desiring her simple colored hue,
Nature’s best effort shown,
And your sweet yellow delight,
Will she continue here, proving growth?

Or shy away, afraid of the light.


Warm window panes
Thank you
For washing away
Yesterdays misery
Cleaning up life’s mess
The power you possess
All that is green
Life’s beauty
Creating pastels
Finding a way
Crimson colors
To spread
Oh what you do
For the living
What it means
To me

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

A Happy Halloween! I hear that the rain will be keeping all the children inside today. Halloween cancelled? Maybe, how strange. I have a little green Witch that will be so sad…

Oh, and this pumpkin masterpiece, created two years ago, by the little boy who grew up this year and doesn’t feel a need to consider Halloween. New role for him?

Candy Benefactor, I suppose.

Rain rain go away…