To Get To You

My favorite hour arrives
Too quickly
A drive, required,
I need to see
Same car,
Same old highway,
Same steady heartbeat
Purring, excitedly.
I’ve chosen the view,
A spot alongside
Road X,
Wishing to beat you there
My heal digs, as my toes
Push down, steadily,
A muscle in my thigh
While pulling to the left,
I roll to a stop. I see you.
Longing for an embrace,
Wishing you did too,
I sit, upon this car hood,
And wait.
There’s never enough
To watch you, my day,
Into twilight,
As if just for me.




I counted
You placed me in danger
Thirteen separate times
In two hours
Don’t tell me that you love me
When I know that’s a lie

I remember promising you guys that I would post a picture of the doodlings I sketch out, while waiting for words to arrive on paper. An epiphany occurred after I’d drawn this picture, then a poem created from a memory.

The picture is meaningless, well not the thirteen heavily drawn red tallies, it seems, which have permanently indented the next few pages of my tablet, but overall it’s just doodles.

What I’ve realized is that actions DO speak louder than words. Yes, this message has been heard a million times before, I know. Now, the missive is understood. Finally. Lack of protection will never translate into love. Not for me, anyway.