In The Details

when we realize
devotion is what they really need,
and it becomes our true focus,
we climb towards accepting reality.
being blessed
to witness their peace,
or to become their daily and intricate detail,
is our gift.
understanding, finally, we’re not a guarantee in what
is meant to be, but it’s okay to hope.

23 thoughts on “In The Details

  1. Yes I was lucky I had a truly devoted mom, although she wouldn’t come and watch me play football,, she’d be too scared for me, she said I looked far too small amongst all the other bigger boys. Because of her devotion, I grew up to become a better man, which in turn helped me devote my energies into caring for my darling redhead.


  2. Fidelity and devotion are admirable and i feel these days harder and harder to achieve because we’re so easily distracted by trivia. Another excellent offering, Audrey, thank you.




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