Softly Say

Eyes not yet connected
Souls searched routinely,
You breathe, I breathe.
Our belonging,
Lead me

29 thoughts on “Softly Say

  1. Killing me softly with your words… πŸ™‚
    The beautiful search continues, and nothing like knowing, in part, you are being led. Being drawn to something expected but unexpected ~ Eyes not yet connected. As you well know, you’ve got a way with words that makes one move. Wishing you a perfect day ahead.


    • Oh, I love that song! Kinda thrilled you thought of it here while reading me, Mr. Collis.
      There is a beautiful feeling we experience when the universe, somehow, is allowed control of what we hold so close to ourselves. Beautiful moments become possible. I hope you have experienced such a feeling along your many travels.
      I adore when my thoughts work for you, Randall. You give me much to smile about. So good to see you in my inbox.


    • One of my all-time favorite songs ~ and just what your words do. “She wrote as if she knew me, in all my dark despair. And then she looked right through me as if I wasn’t there” πŸ™‚


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