32 thoughts on “My Infatuation

  1. This particular passage in my poem came to mind after reading a passage of yours:

    “in this brief moment
    my sigh
    takes my breath away,”

    and the way words can never do justice to our feelings.


  2. β€œThe moment poised
    The universe, breath held
    And each tiny epiphenomenon
    With a full dance card
    A winsome smile
    And a secret dream of consummation
    After the ball

    A moment poised
    Echoing off down the ages
    With a come hither eyelash
    And little in mind but to shimmer without resolution
    As the unspoken exclamation shifts
    From β€œwhat a phenomenon!”
    To β€œwhat a sensation!”
    While with a flick of the wrist
    And a slip of the lip
    The magician in you melts away”

    – Part of a longer poem (https://bennaga.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/peeling-potatoes/)


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