Sultana of the Rockies

She presents herself
Each crimson layer
Appeasing, in
Perfection, she
Offers herself
In blush
More than once.
Found and commissioned
Luxury in velvet

38 thoughts on “Sultana of the Rockies


    We love to play the angel
    Chaste as love in a mist

    While concealed we feed
    In backroom or dank cellar
    That which we fear to own
    Labial as O’Keefe
    Our full blown passion flower

    We sip and simper, nod and smile
    Permit ourselves a certain obliquity
    Allowing denial at everyone’s convenience

    There will be no producing of notebooks
    No taking down of particulars
    No fear of imagination
    Lurching into unexpected action

    And should you spot a faux pas
    Please be kind and pluck my sleeve
    Subtly tip me the wink
    I’ll do the same for you


    Another oldie that seems à propos here. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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