Soft Signs of Soon

Soft signs of soon
Soon, signs of soft
Signs soft, of soon
Of soft, soon signs
Soft soon, signs of

*Taking four words and writing poetry.

The phrase “soft signs of soon” caused such comfort this morning. Curious to see when placing them in a different order would body and mind react differently. Comfort, anxiousness, hopefulness, reflection, and peace were felt after each line.

I’m focusing on language and how it causes the poet in me to react. I’m happy with the outcome of this exercise and wanted to share it with y’all.

Does this make any sense to you or have I arrived at the Cliff of Rediculusness? Smiles. So what if I have…

A quick glance into my today. I do hope all is well in WordPress land. Thank you for continuing to read my poetry, as of late. I’ve shared much of what was written over the past year. There will continue to be some of that, please take caution when reading and don’t worry too much about me, as not all will reflect the moment.

I’m full-time mom, full-time employee, and full-time single household juggling, so please know I appreciate you being here in my space and leaving an encouraging word.

Your understanding and support means more than you will ever know. I recognize how difficult it can be to write while continuing to be present enough to encourage your peers. You never go unnoticed. I want you to believe this most importantly.

Thankful you still see the remnants of a Poetess about, as she is the woman who inspires me and the one I will crawl on my knees, however the distance, to find once again.


32 thoughts on “Soft Signs of Soon

  1. I find your written words so beautiful and I always enjoy reading your posts. Big hugs your way Audrey and really hope your week is bringing you joy. xoxo Ash


  2. I can hear your voice reading this, with the emphasis on each word as it should be and a tender inflection in each line, leaving the right amount of wonder. So, yes, soon, dear Audrey, soon….

    Much love and thanks for sharing your heart.


  3. I’m glad you shared this Audrey. Poetry is an exact task and it’s kinda cool to get a peek behind the scenes. Thanks to for the clarification about the timing. Sometimes I worry.


  4. I have baby Crocuses coming up and I hear snow is in the forecast so I will be out there covering them up trying to save them. My hat is off to you, Audrey, for all you are doing in your life. I understand totally how hard it is sometimes to fit in what you are passionate about when life pulls you in a thousand different directions. Bless you for staying true to YOU! ❤


  5. That’s a real tongue twister. Thanks for bringing us up to date on what’s happening in Audrey’s land, I hope it is going great! ❤️️


  6. That’s great Audrey. I’ve never tried something like that. And yes, it does make sense. Or should I say, ‘they’.
    You go girl. You’re a trooper. So great that you returned to us here on WP.
    Love and hugs
    🙂 ❤


  7. It almost scares me that I get this, Audrey, ha! Yes, Spring will be here soon — perhaps sooner in some parts than in others, but the soft things are stirring beneath the earth … and that’s GOOD!


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