Stoic Protector

Do you know the owl,
The one who sits now
Upon the middle limb,
The patchwork branch,
Of a once thriving essence?
Her skin is exposed,
Bare, light timber
Amongst veined,
Even freckled patches of,
Black and grey bark.
Owl remains perched,
Guarding at the helm,
As the brightest star sets
Behind thinning stock, and
What is now his tree,
Whether he chooses to
Believe it or not.
She’s the aftermath of
Witnessed abuse,
Pain felt,
And reoccurring sadness
As others depart.
He’s her stoic protector
And shall not fade
With the evening sun.

50 thoughts on “Stoic Protector

  1. Magnificence… my dear poetess… I am awed in such ways that I shall not wander far beyond my humbled heart… but shall always linger softly… in the wisdom of the owl…
    Wishing you a far more beautiful year ahead…


    • It is I who should think ‘you’, Audrey Dawn…
      But I have not come again…
      For I have never left you in the darkness
      But chose to linger softly in the silence…
      To have left you bashful
      Was never my thirst…
      Yet it becomes you so beautifully
      Like the hues of early dawn on winter’s snow…
      Freckled only softly by the touch of natures hand
      While shadowed by the wings of snowy owls

      See…….. that is exactly why I must linger in the silence… or I’ll just blab crap like that in your comments section all the time.

      Hope your day is filled with beautiful moments…


  2. John’s got this one analyzed perfectly. How did you know I love owls?!! And yes, there’s something mysterious yet protective about them as they go about the business of life. Beautifully penned, ma’am!


  3. I know that Owl. In fact, I know that tree. He’ll stay until the buds of spring signal life returning to her parched being. He will then celebrate her return and revel in her beauty and comfort until it is time to take up the guard once more. Beautiful Audrey.


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