
One day,

When you’re whole

Or complete,

And maybe you already are,

You’ll be her everything.

Being the man I always

Believed you could be,

The one I saw walking

Towards me,

And left feeling


13 thoughts on “Expectation 

  1. You may be feeling disappointment, but that sunset is something that could never disappoint ~ incredible shot and while it may feel like the sun is setting on a love, we all know what happens the next morning… 🌅


  2. Wistful, mournful, reminds me of this by William Butler Yeats:

    In wise love each divines the high secret self of the other and, refusing to believe in the mere daily self, creates a mirror where the lover or the beloved sees an image to copy in daily life.

    Few of us live up to what the other person hopes for or sees. Fewer try.

    I hope you’re healing, Audrey.


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