Walk With Me

I recently submitted my poem for Michael and Neha’s #PoetsForPeace project. I thought I would share it here, as well.

Thank you for asking me to be a part of your global outcry, for giving poet’s a place for communion and for believing in the fact that words have power.

May this campaign bare fruit universally.

Blessings to you both,

Audrey Dawn


Walk with me

With purpose

We shall not walk alone

Walk with me 

Beside me

There is nowhere else

To go

Walk with me

Eyes forward

See what I see

Walk with me

Beside me

There is nowhere else

To go

Walk with me


I crave peace within

Walk with me

Beside me

There is nowhere else

To go

Walk with me

And feel my hand

In vision those to come

Walk with me

Beside me

There is nowhere else 

To go

Walk with me


Our touch remains the same

Walk with me

Beside me

There is nowhere else

To go

Walk with me

Be mindful

Our burdens not the same

Walk with me

Beside me

There is nowhere else

To go

Walk with me

We’ll listen

Hearts open wide

Walk with me

Beside me

There is nowhere else

To go

23 thoughts on “Walk With Me

  1. This is such a powerful poem, uniting people around the world ~ those in less fortunate situations understand and feel they are not alone, and then showing the truth by having those feelings met with real help from those who care. Wonderful words and your words do have power…


  2. Beautifully done! Love the rhythmic repetition, love the communion of two souls sharing space and time. Love the optimistic goal of spreading peace one person at a time.


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