His Chest


I came across
With fingers, gently .
Tips to skin
Lingering upon chest,
Muscles strong, aging
Which held stories
Of life, working
Pain and pleasure.
Thriving heartbeat
Awakened sensations
Within me,
Pump pump pump
Felt. Enjoyed. Eased.
I’d been there before,
Or hadn’t,
But I will be again.

38 thoughts on “His Chest

  1. What an interesting face this statue has! Looks like he’s seen a lot of the world — not all good, of course, but certainly making an impression. His long, slender fingers are the mark of an artist. Love the hope you’ve expressed here, Audrey!


  2. Thoughtful expression about those who labor hard and are satisfied with life. Suggestions of sexual tension and longing as well. Well written, Audrey.
    Looks like a clump of snow is melting on the jacket he’s sitting on. Moving into spring a bit slowly?


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