

A magical splendor happens here
Among the winds of wild
Emotions felt, across my skin
As I remember his smile
And how it fits, perfect
Upon my heart
Strong, brave and controlled
Paying no mind to the breeze
Or how hard it blows

30 thoughts on “Care

  1. Good morning, Audrey..

    Hope you don’t care
    that I leave this here
    but I must truly say
    you have such a way
    weaving words to display..

    *tips hat* Enjoy your moments, Ma’am πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Know you’re in my thoughts and prayers today, dear Audrey. This one feels nostalgic in a sad way, so I can’t help wondering if everything’s okay with you. No pressure to share — ’tis a writer’s prerogative to share as much or as little as she feels comfortable doing!!


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