Choices (Haibun)


Change of plans occur
Let’s go the wrong direction
Leading me to you

And then sometimes life happens and we take another direction.

Definitely not the path you or I would’ve chosen, had we been given the option, but life changing paths exist, as well, and we have to figure out how to survive them.

We can choose to accept fate, brave destiny with strength, or we can decide to hide and wish the dreadful path away.

It doesn’t change anything, I’ve realized. In my opinion, hiding and wishing something away never looked good on anyone.

Most importantly, not on me, so here I sit. Staring into destiny. Pay no mind to the tears in my eyes. Chose to be brave with me today, please.

On we go…

37 thoughts on “Choices (Haibun)

  1. My redheaded friend – I hope everything is okay and the path you are on, takes you where you wish to be (hopefully not too many curves thrown in along the way).


  2. My late daddy used to remind us there’s more than enough pain and misery to go around for each of us in this old world. I hope your change of direction doesn’t mean pain and misery for you, Audrey. Perhaps it’s just a literal change in direction, a delay in travel plans, possibly necessitated by inclement weather??


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