Sheer Focus


Just beyond this perfection,
Hard to change your focus, I know,
But, please do.
Overlook, no matter how hard it is,
Notice the wild grass protecting her,
I’m in love, I confess,
With verdant offerings.
Little bursts of flowers,
Purple and yellow,
Visions of wheat,
Now between your teeth,
Perhaps placed, behind your ear.
Earth, tickling my cheek, sprouting,
Life sways, as I try to convince,
Subtle beauty, I tease, can be just as intense.
Spring’s sky, perfectly blue,
Your smile, while we’re here,
Gently becomes our collective laugh,
As our eyes gaze upon her once again.
That one there… the one we looked past,
Her name: Sheer tangerine,
Count her petals,
Tell me she looks like me.

50 thoughts on “Sheer Focus

  1. I knew what this one was even before I read the comments, Audrey — wheee! All that time in Texas left me with a bit of knowledge, I guess. She’s a beauty, and it would be an honor to be told you look like her! A bit on the sad side the others pale in her presence, though!


  2. I was on a car ride to San Antonio yesterday and was saddened that all the wildflowers had faded. This perked me up this morning. Your words are so playful and yes she looks like you but you are better.


  3. Pardon me please
    for interrupting your focus
    but it never fails, when beauty speaks
    it’s like hocus pocus
    for laughter does indeed fill the air,
    so now, allow me to gently remove
    those verdant offerings from your hair.
    I think those petals,sweet as tangerines
    remind me of you, I do declare πŸ™‚


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