Feel, Wait and Listen


Even inside melancholy winds
I feel the pace, of your spirit
Not to allow this moment, to frighten
I wait for clarity and a clearing
I listen, knowing above all else
The battled shore I stand upon
You can overcome

31 thoughts on “Feel, Wait and Listen

  1. Beautiful photo ~ and even though the winds and beach may trigger melancholy, there is always great hope. Your poem brings out this feeling. Sounds like you had a great weekend ~


    • I agree, for me, melancholy is more of my moment of self reflection. Not necessarily all doom and gloom, but more of a wonderment of where I’ve been and what may be, you know? If that makes sense… I’m glad the photo looks okay. And I’m thrilled you feel hope with this one. I had a weekend of reflection, love and laughter. Nothing better some days. xxx The beach house was gorgeous and you’d be proud of me…I didn’t fall into the channel once. πŸ™‚ I did have my share of gin and tonics, so the possibilities were there… πŸ˜‰


  2. The battled ground to be overcome. That phrase brings so much to its sonority; like something that ought to happen. A long battle later, some scroched earth and tired Souls finally getting back to rebuild their beauteous lives. It deserves to happen. x


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