Stay With Me


Concrete Jungle,
Stifles me,
Leaves an empty feeling,
Radiating within.
Left now,
Wanting nothing else,
Than to be ignored,
However, I chose this,
Life must be explored.
Tired of being strong,
I love you,
Yes, You,
Always, You,
My mind begins to soothe.
Visions of caring hands,
Traveling inside my mind,
Between fantasy and reality,
Pressures of creativity,
An endless extreme.
Emotions full of need,
Yet, honestly, I just,
Can’t breathe,
I want you with me,
You’re my family.

38 thoughts on “Stay With Me

  1. That is such a cool mysterious photo ~ and in a strange way matched very well with your poem, amid all the fog/mist and mystery there is this balance between fantasy and reality…and what may become. Wish you a great weekend!


  2. You draw quite a contrast between the city — filled with people — and wanting that one person. And that’s an amazing photo, goes perfectly with your poem.


  3. Something tells me I couldn’t string sentences together in a concrete jungle, Audrey. I need more calm, peace, and nature, I suppose.
    “Tired of being strong.” Yeah, I get that. Totally. And yet we dare not appear too needy or weak, right? Too many depending on us!
    Hang in there, my friend. You’re stronger than you realize, you know!


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