

Even wistful tears know where to fall,
Upon fingers used, descriptive,
 Wishing to lay upon accomplished hands.
Within dreams,
Requiring escape,
Leagues allowed,

And held,
By love.

41 thoughts on “Tolerance

  1. I think “love” does not know anything about tolerance, the latter being a term of rather negative connotations and implications, not positive ones. Probably “freedom” or one of it’s submeanings might have been the preferential perception of choice. 🙂


    • The Oxford dictionary defines the word tolerate: to “allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one dislikes or disagrees with) without interference.” And: to “be capable of continued subjection to (a drug, toxin, or environmental condition) without adverse reaction.” Meaning: acceptance, permission, sufferance, indulgent.

      If this word is used to describe social acceptance among classes, races and religions, it is essentially meant that those who are a part of those groups are allowed/permitted to live peacefully, though unaccepted.

      Thus, tolerance, in it’s true and original meaning, describes the arrogance and finally racism of the powerful against the weak.

      It’s the old story: to rule you have to possess the meanings of language. Contemporary folk has been duped to accept a wrong connotation. Orwellian newspeak. 🙂


    • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “Tolerance should really only be a passing attitude: it should lead to appreciation. To tolerate is to offend.”

      Point is, the world “tolerance” is the wrong one in any of its contemporary usages/connotations. If people want to describe a positive action for which they are used to utilise the term “tolerance”, it is not tolerance, what they mean but appreciation/esteem/valuation/appraisal.



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