Autumn Springs Verse 6


Autumn Springs from Summer’s Flame,
Eternal Passage of Season’s Change,
Dance of Passion’s Lingering Game,
Viridian for Copper, Elemental Exchange.

Primordial instincts embrace epic hues,
Fantasy’s Utopia, view Wisps becoming Brides,
Delphian Fairwell Fairies mimic and muse,
Rousing Shadows and Lovers, crimsons collide.

Pageant of Nighttide, Shimmering Bright,
Secrets Whispered in Primeval Tones,
Gathering Luminous, Spectral Light,
Ethereal Queen Born from muttering crone.

Dauntless Coppice, pursuing nature’s virgin Sprite,
Baptized, Nocturnal King of Twilight’s Beasts,
Queen Dowager awaits Autumn’s marital rites,
Mystic humming, via Motley winds due East.

Dance upon the Darling Midnight,
Twirl amidst the Foliage Aflame,
King and Queen Bedecked in Mirth’s Light,
Escaping Summer’s Clasp, Ne’er to be the Same.

Brilliance sparkling over Celestial skies
Approval granted, Russet Harvest’s grace
Verdict trumpeted, Change of Seasons, shall advise
Regal first kiss, as accompanying Timbers embrace

This is the sixth verse, inspired by Morgan’s fifth verse in a week long Autumn, Halloween, seasonal change, Mystical, light and dark collaboration with Morgan, from .

I am thrilled to be writing along side Morgan, as her inspirations capture me daily. One day I find her writing of a fantasy world I can’t even begin to dream of, but would love to visit, and then in the next breath she’s left me a longing mess. I adore her poetry and her heart.

Our verses are off the cuff and inspired by each other, isn’t that lovely?! The image above chosen by Morgan, and I think it is perfect. Please continue to join us this week, as we thrive on working with one another to bring you Autumn Springs.

*Original Artwork by: Lilla Marton*

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