Back Road Haiku


Redhead lost in corn
Been gone too long, this is home
Leaves feather her face

This poem written with my baby sister, Leah. Driving down back roads today enjoying each other’s company. She thinks I’m on WordPress too much, so in order to feel included she insisted on writing a Haiku with me. I think the poem turned out well. The picture was all her doing. She thinks she’s funny! Maybe she is…of course she is. She gets her humor from me. Making memories, my friends. Hugs!!

34 thoughts on “Back Road Haiku

  1. You’ll never spend too much time on WordPress again, caught in a Corn Maze, Red! Great haiku, Leah. You can have Aud 100 percent this vacation, as you should, I totally am on your side. Then she’s back to us. πŸ™‚ Happy Fourth!


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