Where Ever You Are


If you’d let me
I’d sing you to sleep
A lullaby
Good night
Sweet dreams
Til morning, my love
Suits you so well, it seems
But I don’t know, do I
I’m best left like this
For your words
And you
Where ever you are

25 thoughts on “Where Ever You Are

    • I had to have a listen, as it had been a while since I’d heard that song. I used to love that song so much. A younger Audrey was a romantic even then… Now I’ll be connecting it with you. How nice.
      I’m glad you like my poetry, Randall. An artist of your ability, saying such kind words about my humble attempts is hard to accept. However, I will. Thank you.


    • I had to have a listen to it as well. I had it on a mix cassette that someone sent me in China back in the early 90s. An artist of my ability…artistry is strange, most people I know would not think of me as an artist ~ so don’t be fooled πŸ™‚


    • A mixed tape, well, she must have loved you and missed you terribly.

      Viewing your blog posts, soaking in your photos, and allowing your words to filter through me happen to bring me a lot of joy. Your art, which I love, has been created from something inside of you. I believe you to be the best kind of artist, Randall. You catch beauty, love, peace and devotion in so many of your photos. I can tell it is what you search for in this life. I am happy to be allowed a view. Thank you. Maybe I am a fool. I never said I wasn’t. πŸ™‚


  1. And on that note… I’m off to bed. Sure could use a lullaby right now. And along with that a massage, for the body and the spirit…
    Sleep tight and sweet dreams Audrey. May you hear a soft lullaby as you drift off.


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