Rolling On


Pursuit of dreams
Like the fog at dawn
Rolling on
Eerily, they watch
Why do dreams chase
Honing their place
I offer nothing, officially
Still they consume, thinking
I feel them wrapping around
My needs
My desires to prove
I am everything,
He created, beautifully
I can be me
Soul, mind and body
Never losing sight
Cherishing Heaven
My goal
Forcing authenticity
Those who contradict,
Try to detour, I’m told
The wicked one’s goal
Keep true
Allow them a view
Inside your heart and your mind

38 thoughts on “Rolling On

  1. I think this would be great if you performed it spoken word. You should give it a try, I used SoundCloud to record one of mine and I may do more. Lovely poem Audrey. Thank you. ~ Michael


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